mercredi 4 septembre 2013

Sorry Google, you were right…

Why I don´t believe in home working
A few years ago, when my fourth child was born we moved to France and I quit my job. The first two years as my baby grew up and we got used to the new non-help-at-home-life-style (living in Argentina, ever since, I always had help at home!) I didn´t miss much my working life.
True: I never really stopped working, and at that moment I can tell you, I was working at home more than never before in my entire life! But that was not enough, so I began to study photography.
Meanwhile we moved again, this time to Sao Paulo, Brazil. I finished my grade at a Brazilian University, and begun to work a little bit with that as a freelancer.
But I missed corporate life… I wanted to get back to the business world, and since I quit my job in Argentina, I thought that a home-office style of corporate work was what I needed…
Recently I read an article about Google limiting the home working agreements with their employees, and my first reaction was quite negative about the news…  but, I kept thinking about why a company as Google, the kind of corporation at least I associate with technology/ communication/ easy-to-work-at-home company was taking this decision …  I believe there are (there must be) some kind of work that allow a home working scheme, but probably Google was right, a marketing/commercial worker needs to be at the office!
Since that moment I´ve being working in to a project with a multidisciplinary team, where some of my colleagues are not coming every day to the office… and I tend not to count on them to solve situations that, if they were there, I´m sure they could be solving quickly and successfully!
I began to wonder why… and the answer came to me at the water fountain.
Even if most of the work you do, you will do it seated at your desk, there´s an important amount of the ideas you get along the day that will came to you at the water fountain!
As employees’ bumps into each other’s at the water fountain, they talk, they share ideas, and they build solutions together!
Sorry Google, I was wrong! Non home working (at least for certain type of workers) is a good decision!

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